A 12 week program that gives basic to advanced understanding of the relationship with God. The Elijah Project is a fun, interactive teaching platform that will take you through a process learning to put God at the center of your life. There is practical biblical teaching, fun activities to keep people’s attention, as well as solid training programs that will focus on the 7 learning styles of people so that no one is left out.
In it’s original design the course is made to run constantly, but gives leaders time for breaks and holidays. To effectively run and Elijah Project that allows clients to come in at any time, which is normal for people suffering with addictions you will need a minimum of 9 teachers. The reason for this, is to give at least 1 teacher time to recuperate before teaching. If you only have a few people called to teach this wonderful program you can run it the alternative way and that is as a course. It will run for 12 weeks and people will need to sign up for it, and go through it.
Now, let’s explain the Elijah Project and how it works. Around 2011 Dawn and Jim were running a recovery course for a local church, but this course didn’t put God in the middle of someone’s recovery. You could have whatever higher power you wanted, this diluted the message because people could choose anything to be their higher power. We had guys choose their sponsor as a higher power, which as we all know would eventually lead to both falling back into addiction.
So, Dawn meditated on this very fact and one day God just downloaded the Elijah Project to Dawn. As Dawn’s husband I can attest to this because I had to take the scribbling and turn them into the sensible book you read today. The book puts God back into the middle of a person’s recovery, and as the first client to take the Elijah Project I can attest to how it took me from alcoholic to able to drink alcohol without any adverse effects. Not only am I free of alcoholism, but I am also now free to enjoy alcohol without the addictive pattern coming back to haunt me.
Now it would be prudent to discuss the topics in the book:
The Elijah project teaches you how to facilitate groups, because at the end of each session you hold a group to discuss what was just taught. It also uses Measure, Assess, and Teach (MAT) work. This is explained in the Christian Based Equipping section of this website. The Elijah Project has three stages. Stage 1 is foundational, all of the teaching is based on these 4 topics. Stage 2 is where the real work begins, this is where we dig into the issues. Where Stage 3 is where the person looks towards the future, how they will be once they are out of their problems.
Stage 1:
Let’s Get Real – Take Responsibility
Hurts in Life – It’s What We Know
Admit Your Sins – And Get Rid!
Surrender Yourself – Give it to God
Stage 2:
Toxic Thoughts – The Seed
Check Yourself – Before You Wreck Yourself
Who’s on the Throne – DNA
The Shame Trap – Caught in the Shame
Stage 3:
Toxic Thoughts – The Branches
Who’s Authority Do You Walk In? – Aliens
Your Battle Cry – My ID in Christ
Forgiveness and Wholeness
This course also uses standardized assessment tools like the Static-99, Brief Symptom Inventory, Sex Offenders Re-Offending Form, as well as Mentor Evaluation Forms.
There are student handbooks available rather than printing out the homework, bible verses, and focus material, the student can have their own handbook to refer back to.
There is extensive training available to become a teacher of the Elijah project, and to certify as and Elijah Project teacher you will actually teach back to current teachers of the Elijah Project. They know first hand what it is like to teach vulnerable, and marginalized people.
There is a cost to gain the training to teach the Elijah Project and if you’re organisation is interested please contact jim@recovered4life.org or dawn@recovered4life.org.